by Sabri Lushi

Indeed, it is a “number of days.” That’s how Allah refers to the period of fasting, that is, the month of Ramadan. The whole life is no more than a number of days, whether it is a few days or a few thousands of days. Ramadan ended, and so the life will end, expectedly or unexpectedly. It is no more than a number of days.

On the day of Eid, the believer will not remember the thirst and hunger felt during Ramadan, but only the good deeds, the accomplishments, the change, the transformation, and the spiritual joy of having come closer to God. That’s the reward, but there are those who will regret for not having seized this great opportunity. In fact, even the believer in a way will regret on the day of Eid that did not do better.

Likewise, when life ends, people either will expect reward for what they’ve brought forth or regret and grieve. So, there is a great parallel between Ramadan and life itself. While on the day of Eid the believer has the chance to celebrate as well as make up for what could have been done better, or even repent of what he or she has done wrong, the death seals everything. Nothing can be changed after it. It is either eternal joy in Paradise or never ending woe and sorrow in the Hellfire.

Ramadan is a great lesson – a school one of its kind. It compels one to change. It can elevate one to another level of consciousness and spirituality.

The fasting of Ramadan is the greatest manifestation of human free choice and exercise of free will. Voluntarily, one decides to deprive himself or herself from food, drink and intimate relationship from dawn to sunset, which apparently is not an easy task unless there is a great reason behind it, in this case, obedience to God’s command. Animals cannot carry out this task.

We all want to change and grow into better human beings. Deep down, we all feel that there is a type of need that cannot be satisfied by material things, such as food and drink. We seek to change and improvement, but we lack conviction. We procrastinate. We get distracted. We forget. Sometimes we lack guidance. In this regard, Ramadan is exactly that month – the month of change and character transformation.

On one hand, Ramadan teaches one that food and drink are not to be taken for granted while, on the other hand, they are not everything one needs. By restraining the physiological activity, the spiritual dimension will be revived and grow, exactly like the body.

Ramadan teaches discipline. It encourages self-restraint. It enjoins reading and reflecting on the meaning of the Qur’an. It is the month of spirituality, reflection, knowledge and intensive spiritual training – preparing one to know God more, which is the most sublime reality.

Eid Mubarak to everyone, those who have fasted and those who couldn’t or didn’t, even to those who regret that didn’t grasp this divine opportunity!

From the bottom of my heart, wish you a happy Eid and may Allah accept your fast and the good deeds!

Sabri Lushi

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