Home » The US and the UK Governments should stop supporting the devilish regime of Iran

The US and the UK Governments should stop supporting the devilish regime of Iran

by Sabri Lushi

The US and the UK Governments should stop supporting the devilish regime of Iran and the religion of Shi’ism. The Republic of Iran wouldn’t last a week without the help and support of the West. This matter is beyond clarity. Nevertheless, it is the weakness of Muslims that makes it possible for the corrupt West to support our enemies, such as the regime of Iran, which deceptively uses the name ‘Islamic republic’ in order to camouflage its infiltration into the Muslim Ummah and its covert operations.

Let it be clear to all Muslims that behind the devilish and pagan regime of Iran stands the West – the US and the UK Governments particularly. This is not the first time that the West supports misguided sects or religions as a strategy of their war against Islam and Muslims.

Sabri Lushi

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