by Sabri Lushi

Whenever we speak of morality, principles and interests, people quite often get confused and use them interchangeably, especially in the context of the western civilization and the dominance of the British Secularism, when propaganda is the basis of the political discourse and public communication, which is to say, words have lost their original meaning.

Even though the British Secularism and the British Empire rose to power as an opposition to religion, especially Islam, and declared an open war against God, religion, transcendental doctrines and spirituality, and made materialism and natural philosophy as the foundation of the modern western civilization, they failed to live up to their materialistic claims.

The British Secularism with all its derivatives, such as democracy, socialism, communism, Nazism, fascism, liberal democracy, Christian democracy, republican, democrat, right-wing, left-wing, conservative, liberal etc., replaced the despotic Catholic church in almost every aspect that it was overthrown for.

One of the aspects that the British Secularism is acting like the Catholic medieval church is hypocrisy and decadence. The corrupt British Secularism has no problem to speak of values, “our values”, European values, standards, principles, and the most interesting one is peace. This barbaric political ideology of the British Empire almost appears as a modern religion, which speaks of values and peace, exactly like the religion of Islam, but in reality it is no more than a fraud and a fake ideology.

Therefore, I believe it is important to make a clear distinction between the concept of interests and principles.

In short, interests would be defined as anything that people think is good for them, beneficial and which serves them in the short term, without considering the long term results and without bringing into the equation all the factors, such as society, time, and place or environment. Principles, on the other hand, are interests, but which guarantee a long term and true benefit for an individual and the society where he or she is part of.

For example, if a person, part of a big family, happened to own large areas of arable land, it is in his or her immediate interest to have a monopoly in agriculture products, and even expand his or her power at the expense of other fellow residents. Scientifically speaking, things could have been and could be different. He or she could lose his or her family members, and due to adverse conditions, could get no agriculture product. So, we could end up in need of others.

Properly, principles force us to be wise and consider more than the immediate and shortsighted interests. Principles tell us to love for others what we love for ourselves because we could be in their position, and we will be in a way or another. Principles tend to tame that mischievous child, who is young, unlearned and under a delusion, and that’s exactly the case of the western civilization.

Sabri Lushi

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