by Sabri Lushi

Mehmed Ferid Pasha was an Albanian Muslim from Ioannina (Yannena) who served as a the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire from 1903 to 1908 during the reign of Sultan and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Abdul Hamid II, the last true sultan and caliph of the last Muslim empire.

The British Empire and its puppet European states, such as France, Italy and the German Empire had two major political objectives at the beginning of the 20th century: first, to decimate the political power of the Muslim Ummah, which meant, an uncompromised attack on the Ottoman Empire, which was definitely an attack on the Albanian people, and second, to cleanse the continent of Europe from native Muslims, which meant a direct attack on the Albanian people.

The official Albanian history, which is written and carefully crafted by the British Empire and its propagandists, openly disinforms by overlooking the political power of the Albanian people within the Empire while it disseminate the idea that they revolted against the Ottoman Empire in the western Balkans under the flag of Albanian nationalism. This is the official version that the regime of Enver Hoxha has propagated for decades.

This couldn’t be more misleading. The Albanian people have never revolted against the Ottoman Empire because it was their own empire. It was not a coincidence that Mehmed Ferid Pasha was appointed as Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire by the Sultan and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Abdul Hamid II; not only were the Albanian people the dominant nation within the Balkans, but they held such a high position within the empire.

How is it possible that Mehmed Ferid Pasha was the Grand Vizier of the Empire, however, the history tells us, that one of his family members – Ismail Kamal – was organizing revolts against the empire in the western Balkans? This is a blatant lie.

Mehmed Ferid Pasha is never mentioned in the Albanian history books or TV documentaries. Some argue that the regime of Enver Hoxha did not allow his name to be mentioned in history books for political reasons as the descendants of Mehmed Ferid Pasha were against the communist regime. In my view, this has directly to do with the historical guidelines imposed by the British Empire – to remove all the historical names that compromised the official narrative of the Evil Empire.

Mehmed Ferid Pasha – the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, is the embodiment of the political power of the Albanian people within the Muslim caliphate. The Empire belonged to them more than they belonged to the empire. It is true that there have been wars in the Balkans organized by Albanians, but those were a military defense against the British Empire and its puppet states and principalities. We should not forget that both the Principality of Greece and the Principality of Serbia were founded and ruled by family members of the British Monarchy.

Sabri Lushi

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